Geauga County

Court of Common Pleas

Serving the Residents of Geauga County

Clerk of Courts

About Us

The Legal Office of the Clerk of Courts serves the residents of Geauga County by maintaining court records, providing copies of court proceedings, assisting prose litigants with electronic filing, and collecting payments on court cases.

The Title Office of the Clerk of Courts serves the residents of Geauga County and other Ohio counties by issuing Ohio Certificates of Title as well as assisting residents with obtaining a U.S. Passport.

General Division

The jurisdiction of the Common Pleas Court General Division covers four categories of cases: criminal, civil, domestic relations, and administrative appeals. The criminal cases are all felonies which are the most serious crimes. Civil cases include personal injuries, business disputes, and property matters.

Probate & Juvenile

The probate court has jurisdiction over marriage licenses; estates; guardianships; trusts; name change applications; correction of birth certificates; adoptions; and other miscellaneous cases.

The juvenile court has jurisdiction over cases alleging a child to be delinquent, unruly, abused, neglected, dependent or a juvenile traffic offender; paternity and support cases; and other miscellaneous cases.