Record Request

Public Information Available by Request

Use the Form Below to Submit a Request

Request Public Records

Disclaimer: A person requesting public records need not identify themselves or the reason for which they seek the records. Providing such information to the Clerk’s Office is entirely voluntary, although it can often clarify and expedite the release of information. Public records requests can be made in person, over the telephone or online. Records will be released in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Public Records Act, and may be subject to legal review prior to release.

A regular copy can be provided at $0.10 per page, a certified copy can be provided at $1.00 per page. Postage will be charged for any copies which must be mailed. Redacted digital copies can be provided via email. We are unable to certify a digital copy. DO NOT provide payment information in your digital request. Payment can be made over the phone; a clerk will contact you to obtain payment.

To obtain an unredacted copy of a records request, you must come into the office to pick up the documents and show your ID. All other copies will have sensitive information redacted.